Exploratory Papers

The exploratory paper proceedings can be found here.
Roderick Edwards and Aude Maignan

DEM-Systems: a new type of adaptive system

Jeremias Epperlein

Conjugacy of Cellular Automata on Tori and Surjectivity

Eric Goles, Diego Maldonado, Pedro Montealegre-Barba and Nicolas Ollinger

Two State Totalistic Freezing Cellular Automata and their Complexity

Urban Larsson

Hopeful windows and fractals in cellular automata and combinatorial games

Luca Mariot, Enrico Formenti and Alberto Leporati

Constructing Orthogonal Latin Squares from Linear Cellular Automata

Genaro Martinez and Andrew Adamatzky

Circular computing with rule 110

Dalibor Štys, Kryštof Štys, Anna Zhyrova and Renata Rychtáriková

Optimal noise in the hodgepodge machine simulation of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

See abstracts…

22nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems